Hedgebottom Home

Early July 2008 saw the arrival of our first ex battery hens. I always wanted to keep free range hens, and it was after seeing something on the television that I came across The Battery Hen Welfare Trust and decided that was the way to go.

I have to say they are addictive, and the best thing has been watching them go from little bald alien type creatures, very quiet and subdued to gorgeous, independent, feisty, funny birds who produce eggs for you, mind you, if you were to work out how much it costs to set them up, house, fencing, feeders etc they will be the most expensive eggs for a while but so worth it!

I’ve never been comfortable with the concept of battery hens, and when you think how little room they have and what our girls are doing now then it’s free range every time for us, I know it costs more, but then it should be a treat shouldn’t it?

Dorothy the 'ex-bat' shortly after arriving at Hedgebottom Home.
Look at her after just six weeks of freedom.
For more pictures Click here .